Roquemore Skierski PLLC

DALLAS: 972-325-6591

‘Force majeure’ clauses may be essential to your contracts

A business contract is legally binding. If you don’t fulfill your obligations under a contract, you may be on the hook for a lot of money — so much money that it could seriously damage your business. A wise business leader will seek to avoid that problem by having backup plans or working out solutions… Continue reading ‘Force majeure’ clauses may be essential to your contracts

3 reasons entrepreneurs choose to form LLCs

Creating a formal business entity is a very involved process. People invest a lot of time, money and consideration into the creation of a business plan. They then generally choose a business structure, file paperwork with the state and start preparing to operate their new company. There are many different types of businesses that entrepreneurs… Continue reading 3 reasons entrepreneurs choose to form LLCs

What happens when a business partner dies?

Unlike a marriage, a business partnership doesn’t involve making vows about working together until death do you part, but that is an implied part of an agreement in many cases. Business partners may negotiate certain terms for a buyout in their contract with one another, but they will likely intend to continue working together until… Continue reading What happens when a business partner dies?

Why partners need a contract when starting a business

Partnerships can be born out of single conversations wherein people realize they have overlapping interests. A good business idea and a desire to work together are all that is truly necessary for a successful business partnership to begin bearing fruit. However, having the right paperwork is also crucial for long-term success. Partners must have a… Continue reading Why partners need a contract when starting a business