Roquemore Skierski PLLC

Roquemore Skierski, PLLC
DALLAS: 972-325-6591

Innovative Legal Solutions For Businesses Across Texas

How do I keep my trade secrets protected?

While every part of a business can play a role in its success, business owners may wish to hide certain parts from the public. The term trade secret often applies to components of a business’s operation that are lucrative and need to remain protected from the public eye.

Unfortunately, for many businesses, there is never a guarantee that said trade secrets will remain “hidden.” However, thankfully, there is quite a bit that businesses can do to reduce that risk.

Making sure employees are aware of their responsibility

Whenever you hire an employee, you are taking on the risk that they may (accidentally or not) let loose your trade secret. On a base level, many employees are eager to maintain their livelihoods and don’t relish the idea of getting in trouble with their bosses. Still, as mentioned in the parenthesis, they may do so on accident, whether through an email message or otherwise.

It’s important for companies to be outright and explicit in telling their workers what their expectations are, especially as it pertains to trade secrets. This can include literature about what to watch out for and situations where someone may try to trick them into revealing too much. These workers should also know in explicit terms what the consequences may be.

These debriefings can occur both as someone enters a company and as they exit. Business owners may feel peaked anxiety when sending employees back onto the job market, or perhaps directly to a different company, knowing what they do.

Beef up cybersecurity where it is pertinent

It may be a bored hacker or a ruthless competitor utilizing an illegal tactic. In a world so bound by Wi-Fi and screens, the unfortunate fact remains that there are plenty of opportunities for someone to extract your trade secrets. Cybersecurity breaches can turn devices into an open season for prying eyes. Thankfully, a handful of security measures can fortify your cybersecurity.

Trade secrets can inspire a lot of personal pride as well as brow sweat. It gives you an edge over the competition, which allows you to thrive, but also puts a target on you. In this case, this metaphorical target isn’t necessarily visible to the public eye, and precautions can be taken to keep it hidden. Those who are especially worried or curious about what they can do to beef up their protections can benefit from speaking to their support networks. This could involve fellow businesspeople or an advocate with experience handling these sorts of matters.
