Roquemore Skierski PLLC

Roquemore Skierski, PLLC
DALLAS: 972-325-6591

Innovative Legal Solutions For Businesses Across Texas

Partnership Dispute Lawyer’s Expert Insights on Resolutions

Business partnerships can either lay the groundwork for success or become a source of conflict. When two or more individuals join forces to achieve a common goal, their combined skills and resources can propel their venture to new heights. However, disagreements and conflicts are almost inevitable. In such scenarios, the expertise of a partnership dispute lawyer becomes invaluable.

Understanding Partnership Disputes

What Are Partnership Disputes?

Partnership disputes arise when partners in a business disagree on significant aspects such as management decisions, financial distributions, roles, and responsibilities. These disputes can stem from misunderstandings, miscommunications, or differing visions for the business. Identifying the root causes of these disputes is crucial for finding effective solutions.

Common Causes of Partnership Disputes

  • Financial Disagreements: Conflicts over profit sharing, capital contributions, and expenditures. Differences in financial priorities and interpretations of financial obligations can quickly lead to disputes.
  • Management Roles: Disputes about who has control over specific areas of the business. Clarifying roles and responsibilities can prevent power struggles and ensure smoother operations.
  • Business Direction: Differences in vision for the company’s future. When partners have conflicting long-term goals, it can create tension and hinder progress.
  • Personal Conflicts: Interpersonal issues that spill over into business operations. If not managed properly, personal differences can severely impact professional relationships and business decisions.

How to Handle Disputes in a 50/50 Partnership

Preventive Measures

Establish Clear Articles of Partnership: One of the best ways to prevent disputes is by creating comprehensive articles of partnership. This legal document outlines the terms of the partnership, including roles, responsibilities, profit-sharing arrangements, and procedures for resolving disputes. Clear guidelines can help mitigate potential conflicts before they arise.

Communication is Key

Open Dialogue: Regular and open communication between partners can help identify and resolve potential conflicts before they escalate. Scheduling regular meetings to discuss the business’s progress and any concerns can be beneficial. Transparency and active listening foster a more collaborative environment.

Mediation and Arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): When disputes arise, mediation or arbitration can be effective ways to resolve them without resorting to litigation. These methods involve a neutral third party to facilitate a resolution. ADR can be less adversarial and more cost-effective compared to court proceedings.

How to Get Rid of a 50/50 Business Partner

  • Negotiated Exit: If a partnership is no longer viable, one option is to negotiate a buyout. This involves one partner purchasing the other’s share of the business. A partnership dispute lawyer can assist in drafting a fair buyout agreement. Ensuring both parties see the agreement as equitable can help prevent further disputes.
  • Dissolution Agreement: When negotiation fails, legal dissolution may be necessary. This process, guided by a partnership dispute attorney, involves legally terminating the partnership and dividing the business’s assets and liabilities. Dissolution can be complex, requiring careful handling to ensure that all legal and financial aspects are addressed properly.

Partnership Dispute Litigation

When to Consider Litigation

If all other methods fail, litigation might be the only option. This process involves taking the dispute to court where a judge will make a binding decision. While litigation can be time-consuming and costly, it may be necessary when partners cannot reach an agreement through other means.

The Role of a Partnership Dispute Lawyer

A partnership dispute lawyer provides essential legal representation during litigation. They help gather evidence, prepare legal documents, and present the case in court. Having experienced partnership dispute trial counsel is crucial for navigating the complexities of the legal system and advocating for your interests.

Potential Outcomes of Litigation

The court could order one partner to buy out the other, mandate the sale of the business, or enforce the terms of the existing partnership agreement. Understanding the potential outcomes helps partners make informed decisions about pursuing litigation.

Partnership Agreement: A Vital Tool

Importance of a Well-Defined Agreement

Your partnership agreement is a crucial document that clearly defines each partner’s roles, responsibilities, and procedures for resolving disputes. Generally, it serves as the first reference point in the event of a disagreement. A well-crafted agreement prevents many common disputes by setting clear expectations.

Key Elements of a Partnership Agreement

  • Profit Sharing: How profits and losses will be distributed. Clearly outlining financial arrangements can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Each partner’s duties within the business. Defining roles can help avoid power struggles and ensure that each partner knows their obligations.
  • Partnership Governance Process: Identifying who makes decisions and how business decisions will be made. Establishing a board of directors and a decision-making framework can streamline operations and reduce conflicts.
  • Dispute Resolution: Methods for resolving conflicts, such as mediation or arbitration. Including dispute resolution mechanisms can provide a clear path for addressing conflicts.
  • Exit Strategy: Plans for what happens if a partner leaves the business or dies. Having an exit strategy in place can ensure a smooth transition and prevent disputes.

What Will Happen if Business Partners Fail to Establish Articles of Partnership?

Risks and Consequences

Without formal articles of partnership, partners may face significant legal challenges. The absence of a clear agreement can lead to misunderstandings and disputes, making it difficult to resolve conflicts amicably. Partners may find themselves in prolonged and costly legal battles.

Potential for Litigation

Without a formal agreement, partners often end up in court to resolve their disputes. Litigation can be costly, time-consuming, and damaging to the business. Proactive legal planning mitigates these risks and protects the interests of all parties involved.

Steps to Take When a Dispute Arises

Initial Assessment

Assess the root cause of the dispute and the impact it has on the business. Determine whether the conflict can be resolved internally or if external assistance is needed. Understanding the nature and scope of the dispute is essential for finding an appropriate resolution.

Seek Legal Advice

Early consultation with a partnership dispute attorney can provide valuable guidance on the best course of action. They can help understand the legal implications and explore potential solutions. Professional legal advice can be instrumental in navigating complex disputes.

Mediation and Negotiation

Attempt Resolution: Before proceeding to litigation, try mediation or negotiation. These methods are less adversarial and can often result in a mutually agreeable solution. Effective mediation can preserve business relationships and provide a more satisfactory outcome for both parties.


Partnership disputes are an unfortunate reality in the business world. With the right approach and a skilled partnership dispute lawyer, many conflicts can be resolved effectively. Drafting an effective comprehensive partnership agreement, maintaining open communication, and seeking legal advice early can help navigate these challenges and protect the interests of the business and its partners.

In summary, the key to handling partnership disputes lies first in prevention, by seeking professional legal counsel in the formation stage of your partnership and having drafting a comprehensive partnership agreement. By taking these steps, business partners can focus on what matters most – building a successful and thriving business together. Proper planning and proactive measures can prevent many common disputes, ensuring that partnerships remain strong and productive. If you have questions about your partnership, contact our experienced lawyers at Roquemore Skierski PLLC today for expert assistance.
