Roquemore Skierski PLLC

Roquemore Skierski, PLLC
DALLAS: 972-325-6591

Business Negligence and Texas Law: What you Need to Know

In the commercial context, negligence occurs when one party fails to live up to perform a duty despite a legal obligation to do so. Texas law recognize and impose legal duties in several scenarios whereby the failure to meet a minimum standard of care could expose you to liability. This note discusses various scenarios when… Continue reading Business Negligence and Texas Law: What you Need to Know

‘Force majeure’ clauses may be essential to your contracts

A business contract is legally binding. If you don’t fulfill your obligations under a contract, you may be on the hook for a lot of money — so much money that it could seriously damage your business. A wise business leader will seek to avoid that problem by having backup plans or working out solutions… Continue reading ‘Force majeure’ clauses may be essential to your contracts